Rekawa Beach: A Coastal Paradise of Beauty and Turtle Magic

Nestled along the pristine southern coastline of Sri Lanka, Rekawa Beach emerges as a coastal paradise, inviting travelers to immerse themselves in its natural beauty and witness the enchanting magic of sea turtles. This hidden gem not only boasts golden sands and azure waters but also stands as a sanctuary for these ancient mariners, creating a unique and captivating destination for beach lovers and wildlife enthusiasts alike.

Golden Sands and Azure Horizons:

Rekawa Beach welcomes visitors with stretches of golden sands that stretch along the expansive coastline. The azure horizons of the Indian Ocean create a mesmerizing backdrop, inviting beachgoers to indulge in the warmth of the tropical sun, take leisurely strolls, or simply appreciate the unspoiled beauty of the coastal landscape.

Turtle Conservation Hub:

Rekawa Beach is renowned for its vital role in sea turtle conservation. Five out of the seven existing species of sea turtles are known to frequent these shores, making it a hub for conservation efforts. Travelers can witness these magnificent creatures nesting and hatching, providing a rare and intimate glimpse into the life cycle of these ancient mariners.

Nightly Rituals:

One of the most enchanting features of Rekawa Beach is the nightly nesting ritual of sea turtles. Under the cover of darkness, female turtles emerge from the ocean to lay their eggs in the soft sands. Conservationists and visitors alike have the opportunity to witness this awe-inspiring spectacle, as these gentle giants fulfill their age-old duty under the starlit sky.

Hatchery Experiences:

Rekawa Beach is also home to several turtle hatcheries that work tirelessly to protect and nurture the vulnerable turtle eggs. Visitors can engage in hatchery experiences, where they may have the chance to release baby turtles into the ocean. This hands-on involvement in the conservation process creates a profound connection between visitors and the preservation of these majestic marine creatures.

Birdwatcher’s Delight:

Apart from its turtle magic, Rekawa Beach is a haven for birdwatchers. The wetlands and lagoons near the beach attract a diverse array of bird species, offering enthusiasts the opportunity to observe and appreciate the rich avian life. It’s a serene setting for those looking to connect with the region’s diverse ecosystems.

Sustainable Tourism Practices:

Rekawa Beach has embraced sustainable tourism practices to ensure the continued well-being of its natural inhabitants. Local initiatives and responsible tourism efforts contribute to the protection of the beach’s unique biodiversity, providing an example of how tourism and conservation can coexist harmoniously.

Local Culture and Warmth:

The nearby village of Rekawa allows visitors to engage with the warm hospitality of the local community. Charming beachside stalls and eateries offer a taste of authentic Sri Lankan cuisine, adding a cultural dimension to the coastal paradise experience.


Rekawa Beach is accessible from Tangalle, and the journey to this coastal paradise is a seamless transition from the town’s vibrant energy to the tranquility of the shoreline. The beach’s convenient location ensures that travelers can easily incorporate a visit to Rekawa into their exploration of the region.


Rekawa Beach stands as a coastal paradise that not only captivates with its natural beauty but also enchants with the magic of sea turtles. Whether witnessing the nesting rituals under the moonlit sky or releasing baby turtles into the ocean, this hidden gem offers a unique and unforgettable experience for those seeking a deeper connection with nature on the southern coast of Sri Lanka.

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